lunes, 7 de marzo de 2016

BREAK romperse
TWIST torcerse
BRUISE magullarse
CUT cortarse
SPRAIN hacerse un esguince
BUMP golpearse
LEG pierna
EYE ojo
ANKLE tobillo
WRIST muñeca
MUSCLE músculo
TONGUE lengua
HAND mano
TOOTH diente
HEAD cabeza

To watch/watched/watched (regular). Observar.
To ring/rang/rung (irregular). Sonar.
To have/had/had (irregular). Tener, haber
to come/came/come (irregular). Venir
to jog/jogged/jogged (regular). Correr
to trip/tripped/tripped (regular). Tropezarse
to twist/twisted/twisted (regular). Torcerse
to leave/left/left (irregular). Dejar, abandonar
to burn/burnt/burnt (irregular). Quemarse

HW. Wednesday, 9th March 2016.
Repasa el pasado del verbo to be.
Repasa el vocabulario.
ex. 1 and 2, page 31 AB

Control Unit 4, Monday 14th March 2016

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