jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

Escribe dos oraciones difíciles en presente simple, continuo y con “like”.
Ex. 2, page 6 PB.

On Saturdays, I have breakfast and tidy my room.
On Saturdays. I play football and tennis.
On Saturdays. I like tidying my room and taking out the rubbish.
On Saturdays. I clean the window and mop the floor.
On Saturdays. I mop the floor and feed the dog.
On Saturdays. I like setting the table and cleaning the window.
On Saturdays. I like cooking a meal and feeding the dog.

El lunes, lavo los platos a las dos y media.
On Mondays, I wash the dishes at two thirty/half past two.

HW. Wednesday, 2nd November 2016
Repasa las tareas del ex 1, page 6 PB.
Ex. 3, page 4 AB
Contadme que tareas domésticas habéis realizado en el lunes y el martes anterior.

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